New Year, New Journal: The Best Spiritual Journals & Day Planners for 2018

New year, new you! least a new journal! People are either very into journaling or they could care less. For the uninitiated, it's a great way to dip your toe into building a cohesive daily spiritual practice, to actively work on changing habits and to be more mindful about how you plan your days. 

Many Moons Workbook

Photo by Sarah Gottesdiener

Photo by Sarah Gottesdiener

For anyone who wants to be more in tune with what's going on with the moon, Many Moons is the cult-classic that you need to cop. It's more of a workbook than a planner, but is packed with a lot of wisdom from a wide array of modern witches, spiritual teachers, reiki masters and astrologers. As you move through the year, you'll find daily rituals, spells and information on what's happening in the stars - all from your fave witchy people that you follow on Instagram. The first pressing of Vol. 1 for 2018 (January-June) has already sold out. But have no fear, she it currently taking pre-orders for volume two on her site and is shipping them out any day now, ensuring they'll be in your hands by January 1st (because journaling is the perfect activity for the hung over). I placed my order a few days ago and already got the shipping notice. And if you miss it entirely, Vol. 2 will be available to oder in May. 

The Desire Map Planner by Danielle Laporte

This one is perfect for someone who wants the detail of a daily planner with the added bonus of spiritual prompts - it's for the Type A spiritual seeker, if you will. You can get as detailed as you want - it's a daily planner with space for all your appointments but also has daily writing prompts, inspirational quotes (that are actually inspiring, not nauseating) and sections for gratitude notes and "Stop Doing" lists. It comes in several color ways including the above teal, pink and sleek black and comes in a daily or weekly version depending on how granular you want to get. 

Dailygreatness Journal: A Practical Guide for Consciously Creating Your Days

Photo by Dailygreatness

Photo by Dailygreatness

Dailygreatness makes a great yearlong planner that can be used in any calendar year, so no need to look out for an upcoming edition or wait until the new year. This one is for creating a more mindful life but they make amazing planners focused on daily yoga practice, starting your own business, focusing on your holistic wellness journey and more. This is a great one for somebody who wants to build a daily practice but doesn't quite know where to start. 

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