The ideas economy is growing stronger every day - and backed by the power of data, ideas are being turned into concrete value at a faster rate than ever before. In the ideas economy, every marketing activity needs to convey not only a sense of the brand but of overall utility (what is the brand going to bring to your life)? Conveying utility is about telling your audience what your product is going to bring to their lives - even if your product is an app or something else more ephemeral than a physical product. How is your brand enhancing your consumers' lives? Simply offering a service is no longer enough.
We also need to focus on conveying utility of marketing campaigns to internal teams. Internally, conveying what worked in a campaign to your team (whether made up of five employees or five thousand) is paramount. What worked, what didn't and what are some clear takeaways that can be used across the business to fine tune your message or even your product? This is the big opportunity that is often squandered any time a company runs a marketing campaign but doesn't follow up with adequate post-mortem reporting. Companies needs to be able to come away from every activity with clear takeaways, insights and stats on what worked and what didn't. I've been shocked at the number of projects I've worked on where pixels weren't being used and the client was used to losing track of a client's behavior during a Facebook campaign once they landed on their website. Web behavior is the new foot traffic in the digital marketplace.
I'm passionate about finding ways for a client's big idea to be turned into value through a combination of marketing processes and analytics-powered insights. Any questions? Drop a line on my contact page!